Teacher, musician, arranger, pianist.
He has been teaching since 2000. Graduated with honors at the Donato Begotti’s MCR®, he is a teacher of the MCR®, CCR®, and TAPI® courses at the Rock Guitar Academy. He taught classical and acoustic guitar, ensemble music, ear training, effects and theory in many schools. He is a Yamaha certified teacher, specialized in childhood teaching.
Session musician and arranger
He collaborated along with the master Alessandro Boriani (Novenovestudio – Milan) for the music composition for:
TV Shows (ex. Real Tv, Real Fighters, La Fattoria)
Commercials (ex. Expo 2015, Cameo, Kraft)
Documentaries (ex. Macchina del Tempo)
His guitars can be listened in two italian movies, like “Univesitari”, directed by Federico Moccia and “I Soliti Idioti”
He realizes, in addition, music for theatre and productions for emergent artists.
He is the author of the following books:
Alternate Picking Improver – Volontè & Co (available also in E-Book)
Guitar Theory & Workout Vol. 1 – Volontè & Co
Guitar Theory & Workout Vol. 2 – Volontè & Co
Chitarrista da Zero! Vol. 1 – Volontè & Co (available also in E-Book)
Chitarrista da Zero! Vol. 2 – Volontè & Co
Mastering Alternate Picking – Volontè & Co
He collaborated for these books:
Ditones – Volontè & Co.
Legato & Tapping – Volontè & Co. (revisor for transcriptions and graphics)
Chitarrista Metal da zero! – Volontè & Co. (revisor for transcriptions and graphics)
Jazz Guitar Improvisation – Volontè & Co. (revisor for transcriptions and graphics)
Extreme Metal Grooves – Volontè & Co. (for music transcription)
I Maestri della Chitarra Ritmica – Volontè & Co. (revisor for transcriptions)
He worked for many years, both in Italy and aborad, in the Jerry Calà and Umberto Smaila bands.
He took part at the theatre tour with the musical “Gran Calà Show” with Jerry Calà.
He plays with the “Antani Project”, an important cover band.
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